Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day of Vintage

O Mistress Mine, on 11th between 2nd and 1st ave (or is it 2nd and 3rd?) is a GOLD MIIIIIINE! Especially is your wallet is full of GOOOOOLD. But actually, there are some deals to be found. And the woman who owns the shop (Wanda Hanlon) is so fantastic and friendly, it's worth stopping in just to say hi. She's been in the business for over 40 years, and has, as she says, "a lot of connections."

You can find hats and coats and dresses and shoes and jewlery from the 20s and beyond. (We saw a pre-Victorian ring [!] it was gorgeous. obviously.)

The Cure, a thrift shop on 12th between 2nd and 3rd ave, is a bit more accessible. All proceeds go to benefit Diabetes research, so you don't have to feel to guilty about spending.

There's something for everyone here. They've got tons of beautiful antique furniture, art, and things things things.

And best of all, they've got loads of inexpensive clothing from designer to god-knows-what.

We also hit Buffalo Exchange, just down the block from O Mistress Mine, and found it to be infinitly superior to the Buffalos in Denver and Seattle. SO it's probably better than yours, too.



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